Give the meaning of the terms:
- Health
- Safety
- Welfare
- Environmental Protection
Health – The term ‘health’ can be defined as – A state of well-being in both a physiological & psychological sense. In occupational terms, it would include not suffering for example from fatigue, stress or noise induced deafness Etc.
The protection of bodies & minds of individuals from illness because of occupational exposure to chemicals & certain hazards resulting in such consequences like cancer, silicosis, noise induced hearing impairment, Vibration white finger etc.
State of complete
- Physical,
- Mental &
- Social well being,
Not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Safety – It can be defined as the absence of danger or physical harm to persons, extending in the workplace to things such as equipment, materials, and structures.
The protection of individuals from physical injury – Eg. Cuts, crush, amputation, etc. It refers to a workplace having an acceptable degree of freedom from risk (i.e) Risk is reduced as low as reasonably practicable.
A state of condition of Being Safe, where hazards have been controlled to achieve an acceptable level of risk.
Welfare – The term ‘welfare’ relates to the provision of workplace facilities that maintain the basic well-being and comfort of the worker such as eating, washing and toilet facilities which enable them to fulfil their bodily functions.
Looking after people’s basic needs. Provision of welfare facilities like clean drinking water, hygienic washroom facilities, clinic facilities, rest area to relax, transport facilities from the workplace to camp/residence and back.
Environmental Protection – Protection of the environment from Air pollution, water pollution and land pollution in order to protect Animals, Birds, plants, Water/sea living organisms and human from health effects of pollution.
It may be defined as a measure used to prevent harm to the environment of the world. It prevents harm to land, air, water and natural resources providing protection to flora, fauna and human beings and their inter-relationships.
Sometimes Environmental Protection can be mistakenly considered as work environment. Remember work environment is totally different from it. Work environment comes under the topic ‘ergonomics’ and the work environment requirements include sufficient arrangements for suitable space, seating, ventilation, temperature, lighting, noise and humidity.